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Student Information
Do I need to have ballet experience to take a class?No! Classes are open to anyone age 3 years of age and older. If a class requires any pre-requisites, it will say so in the class description.
Where can I buy dance clothing and shoes?Starting in the 2024/25 Season, leotards are available for purchase through the Chambersburg Ballet. Please view the dress code section for details. Other places to purchase clothing and shoes: For beginner dancers, you can try Target or Amazon for leotards, skirts, tights and slippers. For developing or experienced dancers, you can shop online including, or find a locally owned store such as Footlights Dance and Theatre Boutique (Frederick), 360 Dance Fitters (Carlisle) or Wilkins Shoe Center.
Do I have to register for the full 9 months for fall/spring classes?You can sign up and pay for one month at a time, or receive a discount for paying for the full year up front. Our hope is dancers will commit to the full 9 months, but we understand that life happens and things change. Paying monthly provides your family the flexibility you may need. We also accept enrollments year-round, so you can sign up to join a class even after they have started. The exception is for dancers who are in the Dance Company. They are expected to fulfill their company dance class/training requirements for the full season (September through early June with a break around the winter holidays).
Female Students: UniformBeginning September 3, 2024, each Ballet Class Level requires a specifically colored uniform for dance wear and shoes. These styles are carefully selected to enhance the students performance in class and the teachers ability to correct technique when needed. The upgrade to the newly adopted colored leotards will be optional for the 2024/2025 season, but will become required beginning the 2025/2026 year. The new uniform will be available for purchase through Chambersburg Ballet. (If you would like, our old uniform of Black Leotard and Pink Tights may be worn, but we encourage moving to the uniform as soon as possible.) Class Colors for Leotards for 2024/25 Season (optional, may be purchased through Chambersburg Ballet): Pre-Primary Levels: “Soft Lilac” with skirt or Black leotard, pink matte tights and pink shoes Primary Levels: “Soft Blue” with skirt or Black leotard, pink matte tights and pink shoes. Level 1: Mulberry* or Black with a Wrap Skirt, Pink Tights and Pink Ballet Shoes, either Leather or Canvas Level 2: White* or Black with a Wrap Skirt, Pink Tights and Pink Ballet Shoes, either Leather or Canvas Level 3: Marine* or Black with a Wrap Skirt, Pink Tights and Pink Ballet Shoes, either Leather or Canvas Level 4: Teal* or Black with a Wrap Skirt, Pink Tights and Pink Ballet Shoes, either Leather or Canvas Class Colors Leotards for 2025/26 Season (required and available for purchase through Chambersburg Ballet): Pre-Primary Levels: “Soft Lilac” with skirt*, pink matte tights and pink slippers. Primary Levels: “Soft Blue” with skirt*, pink matte tights and pink slippers. Level 1: Burgundy with a Wrap Skirt*, Pink Tights and Pink Leather or Canvas Ballet Shoes Level 2: Mulberry with a Wrap Skirt*, Pink Tights and Pink Leather or Canvas Ballet Shoes Level 3: White with a Wrap Skirt*, Pink Tights and Pink Leather or Canvas Ballet Shoes Level 4: Marine with a Wrap Skirt*, Pink Tights and Pink Leather or Canvas Ballet Shoes Level 5: Teal with a Wrap Skirt*, Pink Tights and Pink Leather or Canvas Ballet Shoes
Male Students: UniformFor male students in Pre-Primary through Ballet Level 5: White or black T-shirt or fitted dance shirt In colder weather, long-sleeved white or Black shirt is permissible Black footed tights or biker shorts (some productions require white tights) (Pre-primary and Primary levels may wear plain black shorts that are not tight-fitted) Black ballet shoes (Some productions require white ballet shoes) Long hair should be secured back with a bandana In Company Class, any combination of shirts and Tights or shorts may be worn, but they MUST be in good condition and without holes. We recommend having a minimum of Shirts and Tights for as many days a week you dance. For instance, if you have class and rehearsal 3 days per week, you have at least 3 shirts and pairs of tights. This allows Students to wash Shirts and Tights after each wear. When the student begins partnering, it may be necessary to double up on shirts for sanitary purposes Students may wear any color shirt and tights/shorts during a private lesson. Private lessons will become available in the near future. Black pants may be worn for contemporary class. Students may wear black shorts in ballet class, but only for “certain exceptions”. (e.g. Heat Advisory, or for rehearsal of a piece where shorts will be worn) If not under the “certain exception”, Shirt and Tights/Shorts must be worn. This helps prepare them to wear the same attire they will wear on stage.
Adult/Open Ballet ClassesThere is no Dress Code for Adult/Open Ballet Classes (one-off classes). However, no street shoes can be worn on the studio floors. Wear ballet slippers if you have them. Socks are also acceptable for these open classes. It is recommended that long hair be pulled back into a bun (for women) or secured by a bandana (for men)
HairHair should be neatly secured to the back of the head so that it does not fall down: high bun, low bun, pinned braids, french twist, space buns, etc. No loose hair around the face or neck. Bangs are acceptable, but must not become a nuisance to your dancing. Men - Hair should be tidy and out of face. This allows for ease of “spotting” when doing turns.
JewelrySmall earrings and hair accessories that are not distracting may be worn in class and rehearsal. Necklaces, rings, watches, smart watches and fitbits (unless for medical reasons), bracelets (including hair bands) must be removed. This allows students to get comfortable dancing without their accessories on stage. This becomes especially important if the dancer is dancing a partnering role, as it could injure their partner.
TightsTights must be clean, without holes, and worn down in the shoe. Tights may be rolled up if performing choreography with bare legs.
Skirts and TutusSkirts may be worn during center, pointe class and rehearsals. Instructors will let you know if you need a practice skirt for choreography. For partnering, students should practice in the same style of skirt or tutu they will be wearing on stage.
Warm-upsWarm-ups should be removed prior to the first Tendu combination of class and during all rehearsals, unless specified for the current weather by the instructor or person in charge of rehearsal. All warm-ups worn during class should be form fitted. No sweat pants, hoodies, baggy shirts, etc. The best way to warm-up for class is from the inside out with movement. (e.g. dynamic movement like squats and pushups, abdominal workouts, thera-bands for feet or legs, yoga flow, etc.)
Pointe ShoesTights should always be worn inside your pointe shoe Pointe shoes WILL be matted for all performances Shoes WILL be properly sewn. If you need assistance in how this is achieved, please ask Miss Alcinda, Miss Jenna or Mr. Brian for advice. For the dancers physical safety, pointe shoes used for rehearsals, classes, and performances should not be “DEAD”. A dead pointe shoe is a shoe that is too soft to properly support the dancer’s foot. (For some exceptions, a “dead” pointe shoe can be used for Neo-Classical or Contemporary Choreography, but this is reserved for Advanced Dancers only) Pointe shoes are required to be worn in pointe class and pointe rehearsals, unless specified by the instructor in charge of rehearsal.
Summer ClassesAttendance is taken on a daily basis. In a rare case, a student may be advanced to a higher level during a Summer program.
Fall/Spring ClassesClass Absences Good attendance is crucial for a student to develop good class taking habits and master the skills being taught in their class. When students are in class frequently, they remain engaged in the class material and are secure in their personal knowledge and ability. Company dancers must maintain a minimum of 80% attendance to continue in their level, to be prepared for performances, to maintain their current casting, and to protect them from potential injuries. This will be assessed monthly Students are encouraged to make-up all missed classes. Once a student drops below 80% attendance they are required to do make-up classes. To make-up for an absence from class, you are welcome to take any class below your current level to make up your class. (e.g. If Level 4, you may take a Level 3 or 2 class to make up) For student safety, please report all planned absences. If a student is absent from class we will follow-up to ensure that parents are aware of their student’s attendance. We encourage students to take ownership of their schedule and report absences through the Band App or via Email. If it is a planned absence, you are alway welcome to make up the class before the planned absence. Illness and Injuries As with any physical activity, soreness, overuse, and minor injuries are inevitable. There are steps that can be taken by the student to prevent injuries such as consistent attendance, applying technical feedback, proper warm-up exercises, stretching, rest, and good nutrition. Students should communicate any injuries or restrictions to all teachers. Teachers will guide students on how to adapt the class material and whether to observe class, or rest at home. Students can modify class material, practice their physical therapy, or do stretch and strengthen exercises. If a student must sit down and is unable to participate in class in any capacity, it will count as an absence. If students have a fever, and their sickness is communicable, please stay home and rest. Class Arrival Arrive for your classes no later than 10 minutes before the scheduled start time of class. This allows for ample time to physically and mentally prepare for your classes that day. We will be recording class roll 10min prior to the start of class. Tardies If you arrive less than 10 minutes before the start time of class, you will be considered TARDY. If class has already begun. Wait at the door for the instructor to call you in. If a student is tardy 3 times, it will count as an absence. This absence will count towards your required 80% attendance. Rehearsals All rehearsals are required. Absences from rehearsals may lead to the adjusting choreography and a student’s ability to perform a featured role in the upcoming production. Please inform us prior to the absence if this conflicts with family matters. Every dancer is responsible for choreography that has been learned during rehearsal time. Movement will not be re-taught on an individual basis. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to learn the missed information or be removed from a piece. For ALL scheduled rehearsals arrive 15 minutes early. Begin warming up in the waiting room or an empty studio if you had not had a normally scheduled class that day.
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